Our Volunteers
At East Tāmaki School, we are incredibly lucky to have a range of volunteers from the community. These volunteers come into our school on a regular basis and help our ākonga with a range of different learning.
Garden To Table
Middle and senior school students attend Garden To Table session on Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This is only possible with the help of multiple volunteers from our community. Our Garden To Table volunteers come every week and either assist our tamariki in the garden or in the kitchen. They share their specific knowledge and help our ākonga develop their skills in the kitchen and garden.

ANZ bank – Who did you help today?
Once a week, we have volunteers from the ANZ bank join us for our Harakeke Rōpu, our after school homework club. The ‘Homework Club’ is a part of the ‘Who did you help today?’ programme that connects local businesses with low decile primary schools to support student’s learning. At East Tāmaki School, Harakeke Rōpu is offered to selected students for an hour, once a week after school. In this time, our volunteers work with ākonga in different learning areas to help improve their learning.
At East Tāmaki School, we receive ‘Fruit in Schools’. This is a Ministry of Health programme to encourage tamariki to eat more fruit and vegetables. This fruit is regularly delivered to our school. We are incredibly lucky to have Lito come into school every morning to sort, cut and distribute the fruit to each classroom ready for our ākonga to enjoy.