Hangarau at East Tāmaki School
Technology/hangarau is using knowledge and skills to design, create and build new devices or tools that meet a need. Throughout history, technology has been used to make people’s lives easier. Early humans developed technology to help them with fishing, hunting, and avoiding predators. Medicinal materials were developed through technology as well as transportation such as cars, trains and planes. Every invention in history, is a product of technology.
Technology is informed by critical and creative thinking and specific design process. In order to be successful with technology, students need to be:
- Team players
- Problem solvers
- Critical thinkers
- Reflective
- Self-managers
- Creative
- Involved in genuine, real life experiences
- Digital technology literate

At East Tāmaki School, ākonga are given a range of opportunities to develop and showcase these skills. Our hangarau/technology room is open at lunch times to allow students to explore a range of activities and take part in different challenges. These allow students the option to further their technological learning in their own ways.

During learning time, ākonga have regular technology lessons in their classrooms or in the hangarau room. These lessons are structures to build our tamarki knowledge and give them real life opportunities to build their skills.

Our ākonga use digital technology throughout their learning. iPads and computers are used to support learning across the curriculum. This is done through the use off maths/reading apps and games, coding games, Youtube demonstration videos, Google Classrooms, research, publishing, presenting, making videos and more. Ākonga take part in structured digital technology lessons to teach them skills such as typing, internet safety and creating digital work.