Mana Kids Nurses
Mana Kidz is a free, nurse-led, school-based programme that provides comprehensive healthcare for children in the Counties Manukau Health region. The programme is led by the National Hauora Coalition in partnership with Counties Manukau Health and is supported by local providers: Kidz First, East Tāmaki Health Care, Health Star Pacific, Turuki Health Care, Te Hononga O Tāmaki Me Hoturoa, South Seas, Tongan Health Society and Papakura Marae.
Mana Kids at East Tāmaki School
At East Tāmaki School, we are lucky to have two Mana Kids Nurses visit our school every day. These nurses provide a range of services free of charge to all students who have consent. There are several ways your child can be seen by our school nurse:
- Teachers can refer students to our nurses.
- You can call the school and request your child be seen by a nurse.
- Nurses will do regular classroom checks on each child.
For any questions or referrals, you can email Sholyn at
What services does Mana Kidz provide?
Your child can be seen for a range of health conditions such as:
- Sore throat checks
- Skin checks
- Dental health
- Head lice
- Eye health and vision
- Ear health and hearing
- Emotional well-being
- Healthy weight management
- Breathing health
- Allergies
- Day/Night time wetting
- Health information