East Tāmaki School Values
Piripono means to be loyal, faithful and devoted. At East Tāmaki School, we are building life long learners who are committed and devoted to their learning. We encourage ākonga to be proud of themselves and their school.
Whanaungatanga is creating relationships and creating a sense of belonging. At East Tāmaki School, we consider all of our ākonga, staff, and community a part of our whānau. We strive to build relationships and strengthen the mana of each member of our whānau.
Kaitiakitanga means guarding and protecting our environment. At East Tāmaki School, we are passionate about our environment. This includes classrooms, gardens and native bush. Our ākonga learn to become kaitiaki as soon as they start school.
Manaakitanga involves caring attitudes and a willingness to support each other. At East Tamaki School, we strive to create a culture in which caring for others is both expected and encouraged.
Hikurangi – our learning competencies.
These are our Hikurangi. Hikurangi are the main feathers at the tip of bird’s wings. They are used to push the bird forward to fly. Our Hikurangi will be used by our ākonga to push them forward with their learning.

- I am organised
- I make good choices
- I achieve my goals
- I solve problems
- I find out information
- I work well with others
- I talk about ideas
- I talk with others
- I am a great listener
- I ask questions
- I think about my learning
- I find new ways to do things
- I look after myself and my belongings
- I care about people
- I am kind
- Children come to school to learn and have fun.
- In order to learn, children must be at school everyday. Absences are very disruptive to learning.
- Parents are expected to listen to their child read the books they bring home and talk about these.
- Parents should make sure that their child brings their book bag to school each day.
- When children have home learning to do, parents should help children develop good habits by encouraging them to do their home learning at a certain time before dinner or before they are allowed to watch TV.
- All children should be at school by 8.15 am but not before 8.00 am. When children arrive late it is disruptive for them, the teacher and the rest of the class.
- If a child is away please phone the school on 274-9246.
- All children are expected to come to school every day unless they are very sick or there is a significant reason for them to be away.
- If a child is away for 2 or more days without notification the truancy officer will be informed.