Bikes for Schools
Bikes in Schools is a foundation that is focused on developing ākonga that are healthy, fit, skilled and safe on a bike and self confident in their abilities. In relation to the amount students were cycling in 1990 (28 minutes a week) over the past year it he dropped to 5 minutes or less, with some not being able to or wanting to ride a bike. This programme helps assist get all tamariki onto a bike in a safe environment.

Bikes at East Tāmaki School
We have a bike track and a variety of bikes which children really enjoy using. Our bike programme focuses on developing healthy active ngā ākonga by learning how to effectively ride a bike, while doing it in a safe environment in the school grounds.
It develops our ākonga into fit and active learners. Kaiako are also able to include the bikes into their PE lessons and assist in creating safe and responsible ngā ākonga out in their community on bikes.